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Recycled promotional gadgets

Recycled promotional gadgets

Nowadays, when exceptional care and attention to the environment is obligatory, the search for ecological solutions is becoming an integral part of our everyday life, and advertising gadgets are a part of it - for many years, a MUST HAVE for promotional activities. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at them in terms of the use of seemingly unusual materials, such as yogurt cups.

1. Hałdy opakowań i odpadów z polistyrenu

An example of pro-ecological activity is the use of materials that have already been produced for the production of advertising gadgets, instead of introducing new materials made from crude oil. A perfect example is the processing of PS waste (polystyrene), which comes from the production of yogurt cups and is a material that is perfectly suitable for recycling. By processing the above-mentioned production waste, a type of secondary raw material is created, called regranulate. This process includes several stages so that the final recycled waste takes the form of small "white" granules that can be reused to produce new products. Taking such actions allows us to reduce the amount of waste and limit the exploitation of the natural environment and reduce the consumption of natural resources, mainly fossil fuels.

2. Regranulate from polystyrene

The second type of secondary raw material used to produce advertising gadgets is black regranulate, which is produced as a result of recycling polystyrene waste from households. Collecting and sorting waste by type of material is the first and extremely important stage in the recycling process. The isolated PS materials are washed at an appropriate temperature to remove any contaminants. Then the grinding process begins. Granulation is necessary to transform plastic waste into a secondary raw material that can be reused in production.

3. Promotional materials from recycled polysterene from post-production of the yougurth cups

The use of yogurt cups to produce advertising gadgets is undoubtedly one of the elements of sustainable development activities. It is an expression of creativity and care for the environment. Therefore, it is worth promoting the recycling of polystyrene and using the regranulate obtained from it. Its use has many environmental benefits as it helps reduce waste, reduces the need to use new raw materials and lowers greenhouse gas emissions associated with plastic production. Advertising gadgets made of regranulate are no different from those made of new material made of crude oil and are just as practical, aesthetic and functional. They are visible proof that yogurt cups have gained a second life.

4. Promotional materials from recycled polystyrene waste from households

Choosing recycled promotional gadgets is not only beneficial for the environment, but also an expression of your company's commitment to caring for the planet. This is an excellent opportunity to promote your brand in a way that is consistent with ecological values, while making a real contribution to reducing the amount of plastic waste.